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  • Writer's pictureEzinne Azubuike

St. Stephen a Witness to Christ

Hello All! 👋

Welcome to another Devotional Wednesday!

Let's learn to Witness Christ.

Be Blessed with this Scripture.

Scripture: Acts 7 ( 1 to 60)

Observation: The book of Acts Chapter 7, narrates the story of Saint Stephen; the first Christian Martyr. The lesson of St. Stephen teaches us that as believers we should always be ready to be a witness to God and of all faith in Christ.  St. Stephen was persecuted and accused of blasphemy (claims of another God/ the against religious order), a serious crime back then among the Jewish society. St. Stephen  was eventually stoned to death for his faith in Christ Jesus, even after his powerful testimony in the Jewish Court. Like, St. Stephen as Christians we should  not compromise our faith because the way of the world is against the truth of God, being Jesus Christ. As believers we must stand for our faith by readily testifying of God’s  goodness (who he is), witnessing  the story of Christ (speaking of or telling others of Jesus Christ), and witnessing the kingdom of God that had been foretold. We need the Holy Spirit in us like St. Stephen to embolden us to SPEAK FOR GOD and TRUTH.

Application to Life: St. Stephen was bold and filled with the Holy Ghost. I aspire too to rise above fear. Fear is a lie  of the enemy to keep us from acting or moving in power to do God’s will. I continue to pray for God to take fear away from me. Also, daily continually praying for the Holy Spirit helps to build boldness. We can stand for truth and speak so that we don’t compromise our faith.

PRAYER: Oh God deliver me from any fear that is in the way of boldly serving you. I also ask God for more of your Holy Spirit and a heart of obedience. In Jesus Name.

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As a young adult still trying to figure life out, I have got my own handful of rolloercoster adventures of life: good and bad. Having my own personal experiences, one thing I can say that was a constant factor that brought me out and through was my faith.

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