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  • Writer's pictureEzinne Azubuike

!No Fear in Love: A Command of The Father!

Hey Everyone! Happy Wednesday! ( 👋)

Welcome to another Devotional Wednesday! (📣)

This Month We are Looking at .......

No Fear in Love: The Command of the Father Pt. 2

The theme to tell you don’t be afraid to do a little LOVING!!

Here we go!

Scripture References!!!

John 15: 9 – 15

John 14:27

Colossians 3:12-15

1 John 4:18

“Perfect love casteth out fear” I use to always wonder what those words meant; I think I have a better understanding now. God gave of his greatest commandments the command of Love; to love God, to love others. These two commandments, the bible says summarizes all the commandments. How do we abide in Christ? How do we know we are doing his will? It is by loving God and others like he said . God has always told us not to fear, not to be afraid because he is with us always. When we don’t love each other by fighting, stealing, lying, plotting, gossiping, hating each other in many we come to see that we have fallen short of God’s command. How can you say you love God when you can’t even love your brother or sister who is with you. God loves much more than you can ever love. If you can’t even do the little of loving each other then we can’t say we love God. When we worry, panic, fear, distance ourselves from others, see others as our enemy instead of the devil the real enemy we also fall short of the command of love because we are not trusting God by not obeying him.

Jesus in John 15 says that friends sacrifice for each other. He tells us to sacrifice or give up our selves for one another. It takes courage to really love others, to go against the feeling, attitude, or influence of fear to do something for others not expecting anything for yourself. Peace reigns where much love is; imagine if you walk in this godly principle, you will have peace ongoing because the love of Christ is working in your life.

Colossians 3: 12-15 reflects this idea to love each other in different ways to love each other in different ways and while doing so cultivating peace within. When Jesus says he gives peace outside of this world, he says do not fear because when you are in him his love overflows so you can do his will and love as well.

Application to Life: Am still practicing the command of love and learning to do so. I need to be more bold and courageous in loving others. Sometimes I miss out things because I was afraid or worrying too much; my mom likes to say thinking too much. The enemy has a way of bringing a dark cloud to upset one and it blinds the mind, heart and senses to not see where love could have worked or moved.

Prayer: Dear God, let your holy spirit help us and teach us how to love better. Jesus give us the strength to overcome fear in all likeness that we may have faith to love each other best. In Jesus Name Amen.

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