Scripture: 3 John 1- Love in truth and hospitality: Gaius (good) and Diotrephes (Bad)
Reference Scripture: Matthew 7:9-13 and Luke 11:5-8
Observation: The book of 3 John 1 is not that common to me however I do know the notable verse of 3 John 1: 2. After reading the whole chapter of 3 John 1, I understand that God makes an example of two characters (different). Paul writes to Gaius, a leader in the church concerning issues of hospitality. We see in this story how these 2 different characters in the church, Gaius and Diotrephes treats God’s messengers/servant passing through the Church. Paul here really points to how we as people of God should love each other truthfully. Gaius welcomes these servants of God passing through and sends them on to their journey with what they need, however another character, Diotrephes does exact opposite. Paul warns against this evil act because it outside of God’s love. Diotrephes is someone that gossips, doesn’t welcome God’s messengers and prevents others from doing so. This wicked guy Diotrephes is not of God because he is not loving his fellow brothers. How can he love God in truth when he is not loving others in truth. So, Paul warns he will not be with them long and others should not imitate follow his evil ways. Furthermore, we find these examples of God telling us his children to love each other by hospitality, in truth, sharing and giving what we have (Luke 11:5-8 and Matthew 7:9-12).
Application to Life: I realized at this time in my life that true love is more than a feeling or even words. Love in truth is the action of providing a need or service to anyone. It can be anything that goes out of self and reaches out to another person, that is Good.
Prayer: Dear God, let the power of your love mobilize me to love other truly. In Jesus Name, Amen.