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  • Writer's pictureEzinne Azubuike

Holy Spirit by Faith Alone

Hello All!

Welcome to another devotional Wednesday

Let’s get to it!

The theme is!

The Gift of the Holy Spirit Given by Faith Alone, by Hands and not by Hands

Scripture: Acts 10 --- Cornelius, the Centurion (a godly man), Simon Peter ( an apostle of Christ), messengers and Cornelius Household.

Observation: Acts 10 biblical narration of Cornelius, the centurion and his household becoming saved because of St. Peter’s testimony of Jesus shows the greatness of God’s mercy for all and the free gift of the Holy Spirit. 

The undeniable truth about God’s  mercy for all is that it knows no boundaries, depth or distance of the people/person it saves. God is for all and the power of Jesus' story reaches far and out to any sinner to any that fears God and longs for him ( Acts 10: 34-35/43). Cornelius the Centurion and his Household feared God of Israel and worshiped him therefore God revealed himself to him. Because Cornelius and his household  believed in God and wanted to know more of him. God sent St. Peter to them and because of their genuine faith that Jesus is the son of God, they received the Holy Spirit. ( they speak in tongues and praise God) (Acts 10:44, 46). St. Peter did not have to lay his hands upon these gentiles, who by hearing of the good news of Jesus and through their faith received the Holy Ghost. At this, we know that the Holy Spirit gift is for all people including gentiles.

Application to Life: After  reading and meditating  on Acts 10 I was in awe of the greatness of God’s mercy and putting in me more fear of this holy God. The more we hear God’s words we grow in faith, spending time in God’s presence  increases the Holy  Spirit's presence in one’s life.

Prayer: Dear God thank you for your great mercy towards me, Jesus teach me Lord to fear God and to grow in the Holy Spirit. Amen.

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As a young adult still trying to figure life out, I have got my own handful of rolloercoster adventures of life: good and bad. Having my own personal experiences, one thing I can say that was a constant factor that brought me out and through was my faith.

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