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  • Writer's pictureEzinne Azubuike

! Giving Thanks: Having a Heart of Gratitude!

Hey All! ( 👋)

Welcome to Devotional Wednesdays!

Let’s get into this weeks’ theme of Giving Thanks: (Having a heart of Gratitude)

For this week we are going to be looking at some scriptures on giving thanks.

It follows

Ephesians 5:20

Colossians 3:17

1 Thessalonians 5:18

Lets get into it!

On Giving Thanks...

God has so many good things for us; to help us, that is beneficial, that is for our good. One of those good things is thanksgiving; it is a will of our heavenly Farther. Why does God tell us to give thanks? Well let’s try to understand. God doesn’t say be thankful for only certain things or only give thanks at certain times; No, but rather God says give thanks for everything and to have a heart of gratitude and give him glory. In Philippians 4:6 God tells us to pray about everything but also to be thankful for what we prayed for and in Hebrews 13:15 God tells us to offer sacrifices of praise to him and in so give him thanks. God wants to bless us and he knows that if we are thankful for what we have, then we will have the heart to receive even more. Being thankful blesses us also by producing joy because no matter the conditions of our lives or what we have, we see and acknowledge that it is God who make things possible.

Application: Sometimes I simply say God thank you for such and such, on really good days or after long days and coming home or after going through something. When I pray I give thanks. You can also intentionally give thanks by thinking about what in your life you can be thankful about. You can also do a gratitude journal.

Prayer: Dear God Thank you for your blessings, may I learn to always be thankful. God heal my heart to be full of gratitude. May my eyes see and my heart know what to be thankful for. In Jesus name Amen.

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