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  • Writer's pictureEzinne Azubuike


Hey All!👋

Welcome to another Devotional Wednesday!

Lets dive into the theme for this month....đŸ„đŸ„đŸ„


We all get anxious sometimes, including me! 🖐

God says to us -> Philippians 4:6-7 and Isaiah 26: 3-4

We should submit our whole life to God. How do we do this? Start by committing your day to day plans in God’s hands. Be in constant communication with God by telling him all that is within your heart. It brings comfort and hope when we are thankful for what God does, even

when we pray for something before, during and after.

Application to Life:

I am learning to committee each day to God and ask for his direction in my life. I am going to consistently give thanks to God for what he is doing.

Prayer: God give me the strength to commit everything to you with a heart of thanksgiving, Amen.

Story Time!

This summer, I had an experience that fits so well into this theme of GIVE IT TO GOD. I had a friend who said she would come to get a book but she never came, when I would ask what happened there would be an excuse. This friend did this twice and I started to think maybe she is not interested or doesn't know to say no or she is playing with me. I started to get worried and start having thoughts thinking I should just sell the book rather than wait. I talked to my mom and she said to leave her alone and maybe she is not interested. So I prayed and decided to do what is right and be the bigger person, I contacted her to find out what was going on. The friend later explained she was very busy and had family issues and she is still very interested in the getting the book, however it will wait but she is sure to get it. So I let it go and removed my mind from it, whenever she is ready she will come to get it. I surrendered it and let go of it. Its funny how something so small can cause distress because of the way I was thinking. This experience showed me that even the little things we can give to God and patience is always good with people, it doesn't always have to be on your time.

Hope you Enjoyed the Story! ❀

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