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  • Writer's pictureEzinne Azubuike

Drawing From God's Salvation

Hello Everybody! 👋

Welcome to Another Great Devotional Wednesday!

Let's get into “Drawing from God’s salvation” 🍵

Hope you're ready for this….

How do we draw from the gift of God’s salvation!? 🤷🏾

Let's look up and anchor scriptures

· Psalms 116 and Isaiah 12

God gives us salvation through Christ through faith in his grace and mercy. We see the power of God’s salvation in the passages of psalms 116 and Isaiah 12 --- God’s salvation is endless, limitless and able to deliver. Like drawing water from a well and taking a cup to drink; this salvation that God gives is always available and refreshes our lives from any evil.

The salvation of God humbles us to see that we need God and must learn to call upon him always. In psalm 116 we see this: “ How can I repay the lord for all his goodness to me?, “ I will lift up the cup of salvation and call upon the name of the lord”. The salvation of the Lord rejoices our hearts to glorify him, as we see in Isaiah 12: “ With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation”, “In that day you will say, give thanks to the Lord: call on his name, make known among the nations what he hath done and proclaim that his name is exalted.”

Application to Life: My day to day is in need of the refreshing power of God’s salvation. When I face a situation or when discouragement comes, I need to draw on God’s salvation to call on him and speak his name against the enemy or that situation. I am learning to walk in joy by freely praising God and testifying of him and not my problems always.

Prayers: Dear God free my soul to know the power of your salvation and to live my life every day by it. In Jesus name Amen.

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