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  • Writer's pictureEzinne Azubuike

Daily Resisting Sin!

Hey All!! Happy Wednesday! 👋

Welcome to Another Devotional Wednesday! 🌟

Okay, Let’s Get to It! 👇

Theme: Daily Resisting Sin

Reference Scripture: Hebrews 12: 1-13


• As Christians our lives are not always easy or simple. We are constantly striving against sin and in doing so we may suffer. The suffering we go through is for the building up of our faith; through it God disciplines and strengthens us. In our suffering and fighting against sin we must remember that God loves us and that any affliction we go through God uses to chasten or correct us as his beloved children. This chastening creates discipline and helps to strengthen us in God. We become stronger Christians because of our striving against sin and overcoming its temptations. As mature and strong Christians we can be examples to others and help those that are weaker, those that are struggling.

Application: How Can we Practice This-?!

• Consciously and intentionally say no to sin and recognize its temptations when it comes.


• Dear God strengthen me to resist sin and look to Jesus who was sinless and the owner and finisher of my faith.

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