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  • Writer's pictureEzinne Azubuike

!Praying For One Another!

Hey All! Happy Wednesday 👋

Welcome to another Devotional Wednesday 🎆

Hope Your Day Has Been Well!💖

I Pray your week to be Blessed Today The Theme For This Week---> !Praying for One Another !

Lets Get To It....

The Reference Scriptures we will be pulling from this week will be...

James 5 15-16 and 1 Thessalonians 2 & 3

These 3 scriptures all together circle around the same Idea of abounding with one another and sharing concerns of one another as a community and family. The scriptures most definitely reflects the theme of Praying for one another.

James 5:15-16

15 And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise them up. If they have sinned, they will be forgiven. 16 Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective (NIV)

The church community acts as a support system that connects brothers and sisters of faith and saves souls. No one can be alone when they are connected in a faith community. The support system that is created by the church keeps account of everyone where there is always help and a hand reaching out. We see this clearly in James 5 and why it is important. God works through the Christian community to save lives. We are commanded to pray for one another and to forgive; this aligns with loving and serving one another. God hears the prayer of his children and intervenes on the prayer of the faithful to save lives of broken people and to heal the sick. In 1 Thessalonians 2 & 3 we see here that Apostle Paul is giving an example of how to abound with each other as believers and as a family of faith. Paul in these two letters to the Thessalonians is expressing his concern for the church of the Thessalonians; he wishes and hopes to see them, to know how they are doing and their faith. Although he isn’t physically with them, he is with them in his heart, spirit; by prayers and letters to them in his communications. As Paul showed us we should also do even now. The well-being of others; brothers and sisters in Christ should be of concern to believers. Keeping account of each other is a show of love and care for one another. As a whole body the church therefor acts as a vehicle for God to do his work.

Practical Application:---> In our Relationships we should be willing to trust and give of ourselves by forgiving one another and praying for each other.

Prayer: God allow me to see opportunities to pray for others and to receive prayer. God help me to have trusting relationships where there is love and forgiveness.

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