Hey all, welcome to another Devotional Wednesday!
Hope the year has been good to you, it’s August and a new turn of the year.
May God leads you to all that is for you in this new month!
Topic for this month is “Darkness of Heart.”
Key Scripture: Proverb - 21vs 4, James 4 - 4 vs 6, Matt 6- 19 vs24, 1 John 2- 15 vs17
Observation: The topic of human desires and how it reveals the heart before God is a very interesting one. I am excited to discuss this topic.
The desires of the heart of man reveals their life before God. The popular scripture in Matthew 6:24, “you cannot serve God and money” expresses it all. Money in this context represent worldly things, meaning you can’t love the world and love God at the same time. Soo when you think about your eyes they see something that it wants, they help you to see where you’re going, they focus on what is important to you. When Good says Good vs Bad eyes, et means your desires or what is important to you or becomes important to you. Because of what a person values in life ----they focus or look to those things and desires more and more of it, their living is according to it.
Back to Matt 6:24à you can’t serve God faithfully, if your desires are not lined up with his will. God even calls it sin because the person cannot really see God and his will to do, they are filled with darkness. Proverbs 21:4, puts it this way, the lamp of the wicked is sin!”. In 1 John 2:15-17, God warns against having worldly desires---“the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh and the pride of life”. These things are not love of God because they are the opposite: worldly and carnal.
Remedy: God gives us his holy spirit- Matthew 6 vs 33, tells us to simply put God first and invest in the things of God’s kingdom and he will bless us. This is helped further by Matthew 6 vs 19-21, which tells us to value and find important the things of God. What you care about and put efforts to, your desires should align with God’s will; because they are of more worth than anything earthly and is of infinite reward.
Application to life: Some like me and anyone really: can use Matthew 6 vs 19-21, sometimes I worry about things, that I get carried away in trying to meet up, measure up, take control of things. When people worry much, instead of trusting much they take their eyes off God and forget he has promised all things. I am learning to worry less and be more patient trusting in God’s ability and doing things his way instead of mine. We are not supposed to chase after things of life but have a confident peace about life because of God’s promises.
Payer: Oh God, Jehovah Jireh let the peace of your love bless me to trust you more. In Jesus name. Amen!